Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Training Schedule

I've been thinking a lot about training recently. This may be instigated by my somewhat tweaked fingers. (maybe my tendons are just getting stronger???) I have settled on the following:

Sunday: Hangboard/Boulder (Gym)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Climb (Hard Intensity)
Wednesday: Climb (Moderate Intensity)
Thursday: Climb (Hard Intensity)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Climb (Dependant on feeling)

Saturday has been a climbing day about half of the weeks since May. I have been on this schedule since late April/early May and seen pretty good results. I am climbing harder than I ever have in multiple disciplines and it has enabled me to climb all over Colorado and spend some great time with Liesel. This schedule involves no cross-training and my diet has not changed, I eat whatever and however much I want. I'll probably stay on this schedule through the end of the year and I'll update on how it is working out along the way.

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